Eyelash Extensions
Lash lift & Tint
Gel nails
Look and feel your best morning, noon and night!
Clinic Protocols
Please ensure you have read and understood the importance of the new post Covid-19 protocols below. They have been put in place to maintain strict health and hygiene standards to ensure that you have a SAFE treatment.
Pre-appointment checks:
You will be contacted 24 hours prior to your appointment to check whether you are in self-isolation, have any symptoms of Covid-19 or have been in close contact with someone who has symptoms. If the answer is yes to any of these questions, your treatment will be deferred for the relevant period of time.
You will also be asked to complete a COVID-19 UK Risk Addendum before your treatment.
Neither early, or late.
Telephone me when you have arrived and you will be told when you can enter the building.
No jewellery whatsoever to be worn.

Arrive on time...
I apologise that I cannot provide tea, coffee, water etc
Please have a small drink of water before you arrive.
No drinks to be brought into the salon.

Sanitise / Wash / Sanitise
You will need to use the hand sanitiser by the door, then wash your hands and re-sanitise once inside

3 step hand care policy
You will be taken into a clean and prepared treatment room. We both need to ensure we adhere to governmental social distancing, where possible

Social distancing
You will be asked to put on a face mask.
I will be wearing industry PPE, such as a shield/visor, a face mask, gloves, and an apron or gown.

Face coverings
You will be asked to re-sanitise your hands post treatment / prior to leaving.
Please contact us immediately if you or anyone you are living with becomes ill with Covid-19 symptoms.