Eyelash Extensions
Lash lift & Tint
Gel nails
Look and feel your best morning, noon and night!
Frequently asked questions for SPMU...
How long will the makeup last?
Although pigment molecules stay in the skin indefinitely, the colour remains visible for 1-2 years. This can vary dramatically depending on your age, skin type, colour choice and lifestyle. As with traditional tattooing, you are choosing to make a commitment to a semi-permanent make up procedure. For optimum results you should expect to attend a colour boost session anywhere from 9-18 months to keep your tattoo looking fresh.
Is the procedure painful?
Everyone is different and we don't all have the same skin or pain threshold but with advanced, new equipment and techniques, plus the use of a numbing cream, discomfort is minimal.
Do I have a choice of placement and colour?
Absolutely. You are consulted every step of the way from desired shape to colour selection.
How long will it take?
You should allow a minimum of 2/2 and a half hours for a new procedure. Top ups will be less.
What happens after the procedure?
The colour that appears directly after the procedure is a lot darker and more intense than the healed colour will be. In the case of lips, up to 70% of colour will be lost in the first 5 days. Complete healing can take up to six weeks for the pigment to mature in the skin and for the true colour to emerge. (* See full procedure details & maintenance on the 'SPMU Treatment Guide' page)
Who is NOT suitable for SPMU?
A full medical history will be taken but the following cannot be treated:​
Pregnant or breast feeding
Under 18
Birthmarks/Portwine stains should never be treated
Contagious skin conditions e.g impetigo and ring worm
Haemophilia-a genetic disorder causing a lack of clotting in the blood
Hepatitis-liver inflammation
Metal Allergies-A patch test must be carried out if you suffer from this
Keloid Scar
The following are Contraindications-please check if any apply to you and follow the guidelines before undertaking SPMU
Taking acne medication Roaccutane/Accutane-treatment carried out after 6 months clear of last tablet. Resume tablets 6 months after treatment
Botox-wait 21 days after injection as Botox affects position of brows. Ideally have brows done before Botox is carried out
Epilepsy-must not have experienced a fit for 2 years
Kidney/Liver disease-requires written consent from a doctor
Herpes/Cold sores-after lip treatment an outbreak is likely if you have ever had a cold sore. To prevent this take either Zovirax/Lyscine/Aciclovir tablets 5 days prior to and 5 days post treatment
Vitiligo-the area has to have been static for at least 7 years
Taking Warfarin/Xarelto (blood thinners)-doctors consent
Tinting lashes or brows-should be done 1 week prior to SPMU treatment or 4 weeks post treatment
Skin Preparations
Retin A, Retinol/Retinoid, Tretinoin/Tretinoid, Vitamin A skin Prep
Mild-discontinue use 2 weeks prior to treatment and wait 4 weeks after
Medium/Strong- discontinue use 4 weeks prior and 4 weeks post treatment
Skin Peels: AHA's, Glycolic Acids, Lactic Acids, TCA peels, Laster Peels
Light-wait 2 weeks before treatment
Medium-wait 3 weeks with no signs of redness
Heavy-wait 4-6 weeks with no traces of redness
Sun beds- 2 weeks prior and a minimum of 2 weeks after. You must use a good quality sun block for any sun exposure on the area or cover the area well. Long term, consistent sun/sun bed exposure will have a negative impact on the pigment retention and its colour stability.
*If you are concerned about a particular condition you have that is not listed; or anything else please ask.